Get a more detailed look at the work we do through our peer-reviewed publications.
Boamah, B., Siciliano, S., Hogan, N., Hecker, M., Hanson, M.L., Campbell, P., Peters, R., Al-Dissi, A. N., Weber, L. 2024. Time-course of oral toxicity to contaminated groundwater in male Sprague Dawley rats. Toxicology Reports. 12:584–593.
Gasque-Belz, L., Park, B., Siciliano, S., Hogan, N., Weber, L., Campbell, P., Peters, R., Hanson, M.L., Hecker, M. 2024. Characterization of adverse outcomes from legacy-contaminated groundwater exposure to early life stages of fathead minnow. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.
Madronich, S., Bernhard, G. H., Neale, P. J., Heikkilä, A., Andersen, M. P. S., Andrady, A. L., Aucamp, P. J., Bais, A. F., Banaszak, A. T., Barnes, P. J., Bornman, J. F., Bruckman, L. S., Busquets, R., Chiodo, G., Häder, D.-P., Hanson, M. L., Hylander, S., Jansen, M. A. K., Lingham, G., Neale, R. E. 2024. Continuing benefits of the Montreal Protocol and protection of the stratospheric ozone layer for human health and the environment. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences.
Jansen, M.A.K., Andrady, A.L., Barnes, P.W., Busquets, R., Revell, L.E., Bornman, J.F., Aucamp, P.J., Bais, A.F., Banaszak, A.T., Bernhard, G.H., Bruckman, L. S., Häder, D., Hanson, M.L., Heikkilä, A.M., Hylander, S., Lucas, R.M., Mackenzie, R., Madronich, S., Neale, P.J., Zhu, L. 2024. Environmental plastics in the context of UV radiation, climate change, and the Montreal Protocol. Global Change Biology, 30(4):e17279.
Desrochers, D., Prosser, R.S., Hanson, M.L., Rodríguez-Gil, J.L. 2024. Exposure assessment of pesticides in surface waters of Ontario, Canada reveals low probability of exceeding acute regulatory thresholds. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 112(4):53–53.
Senderewich, T., Goltz, D., Rodriguez-Gil, J.L., Laird, B., Prosser, R. S., Hanson, M. L. 2024. Human health and environmental risk assessment of metals in community gardens of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International, 31(13):20293–20310.
Starks, M., Schaefer, C.M., Jeffries, K.M., Deslauriers, D., Luong, K.M., Wong, C.S., Hanson, M.L., Knapp, C.W. 2023. Presence of antibiotic resistance genes in the receiving environment of Iqaluit's wastewater treatment plant in water, sediment, and clams sampled from Frobisher Bay, Nunavut: A preliminary study in the Canadian Arctic. Arctic Science. 9(4):919-927.
Gasque-Belz, L., Colville, C., Kurukulasuriya, S., Siciliano, S. D., Hogan, N., Weber, L., Campbell, P., Peters, R., Hanson, M.L., Hecker, M. 2023. Characterization of molecular and apical effects of legacy-contaminated groundwater on early life stages of fathead minnows. Aquatic Toxicology. 264:106734–106734.
Stoyanovich, S.S., Saunders, L.J., Yang, Z., Hanson, M.L., Hollebone, B.P., Orihel, D.M., Palace, V., Rodriguez-Gil, J.L., Mirnaghi, F. S., Shah, K., Blais, J.M. 2023. Chemical weathering patterns of diluted bitumen spilled into freshwater limnocorrals. Environmental Science & Technology. 57(25):9266–9276.
Menone, M. L., Metcalfe, C. 2023. Recovery of freshwater aquatic macrophytes after exposure to herbicides and the implications for ecological risk assessment. In The Ecotoxicology of Aquatic Macrophytes (pp. 137–170). Springer International Publishing AG.
Kornberger, S., Jovanovic H.M.R., and Hanson, M.L., and Humeniuk, B.W. 2023. Wild rice (Zizania spp.) as a model macrophyte toxicity test species for ecotoxicological risk assessment. In: Menone, M.L. Metcalfe, C. (eds) The Ecotoxicology of Aquatic Macrophytes. Environmental Contamination Remediation and Management. Springer, Cham.
Lau, C., and Hanson M.L. 2023. Recovery of freshwater aquatic macrophytes after exposure to herbicides and the implications for ecological risk assessment. In: Menone, M.L. Metcalfe, C. (eds) The Ecotoxicology of Aquatic Macrophytes. Environmental Contamination Remediation and Management. Springer, Cham.
Graves, S.D., Mason, J.J., Rodriguez-Gil, J.L., Séguin, J.Y., Blais, J.M., Hanson, M.L., Hollebone, B.P., Palace, V.P., Clark, I., Cundall, L., Layton-Matthews, D., Leybourne, M.I., and Orihel, D.M. 2023. Radio- and stable carbon isotope analysis reveals minimal assimilation of petrogenic carbon into an oligotrophic freshwater food web after experimental spills of diluted bitumen. Chemosphere (Oxford). 329:138608-138608.
Eldridge, R., Hanson, M.L., and de Jourdan, B. 2023. Toward the development of a new toxicity test with the Arctic alga Nitzschia frigida. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 188:114572.
Black, T.A., Paterson, M.J., Timlick, L., Cederwall, J., Blais, J.M., Hollebone, B., Orihel, D.M., Palace, V., Rodriguez-Gil, J.L., and Hanson, M.L. 2023. The challenges of characterizing the zooplankton community response following simulated spills of diluted bitumen into boreal bake limnocorrals. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 110(2):46.
Bejarano, A.C., Adams, J.E., McDowell, J., Parkerton, T.F., and Hanson, M.L. 2023. Recommendations for improving the reporting and communication of aquatic toxicity studies for oil spill planning, response, and environmental assessment. Aquatic Toxicology. 255:106391.
Boamah, B., Barnsley, S., Finch, L., Briens, J., Siciliano, S., Hogan, N., Hecker, M., Hanson, M.L., Campbell, P., Peters, R., Manek, A., Al-Dissi, A.N., and Weber, L. 2023. Target organ toxicity in rats after subchronic oral exposure to soil extracts containing a complex mixture of contaminants. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 84(1):85-100.
Séguin, J.Y. Mason, J., Hanson, M.L., Hollebone, B.P., Orihel, D.M., Palace, V., Rodriguez-Gil, J.L., & Blais, J.M. 2022. Bioaccumulation and toxicokinetics of polycyclic aromatic compounds and metals in giant floater mussels (Pyganodon grandis) exposed to a simulated diluted bitumen spill. Aquatic Toxicology. 252:106316–106316.
Timlick, L., Dearnley, J., Blais, J.M., Rodríguez‐Gil, J.L., Hanson, M., Hollebone, B.P., Orihel, D.M., Peters, L.E., Stoyanovich, S.S., and Palace, V. 2022. Responses of Wild Finescale Dace (Phoxinus neogaeus) to experimental spills of cold lake blend diluted bitumen at the International Institute for Sustainable Development‐Experimental Lakes Area, Northwestern Ontario. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 41(11):2745-2757.
Patterson, S.A., Denton, D.T.J., Hasler, C.T., Blais, J.M., Hanson, M.L., Hollebone, B.P., Rodriguez-Gil, J.L., Langlois, V.S., Patey, G., Yang, Z., and Orihel, D.M. 2022. Resilience of larval wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) to hydrocarbons and other compounds released from naturally weathered diluted bitumen in a boreal lake. Aquatic Toxicology. 245:106128-106128.
Vanderpont, A.K., Lobson, C., Lu, Z., Luong, K., Arentsen, M., Vera, T., Moore, D., White, M.S., Prosser, R.S., Wong, C.S., and Hanson, M.L. 2022. Fate of thiamethoxam from treated seeds in mesocosms and response of aquatic invertebrate communities. Ecotoxicology (London). 31(2):341-356.
Washuck, N., Hanson, M.L., and Prosser, R. 2022. Yield to the data: Some perspective on crop productivity and pesticides. Pest Management Science. 78(5):1765-1771.
Stoyanovich, S., Yang, Z., Hanson, M.L., Hollebone, B.P., Orihel, D.M., Palace, V., Rodriguez-Gil, J.L., Mirnaghi, F., Shah, K., and Blais, J.M. 2022. Fate of polycyclic aromatic compounds from diluted bitumen spilled into freshwater limnocorrals. The Science of the Total Environment. 819:151993.
Eldridge, R.J., Jourdan, B.P., and Hanson, M.L. 2022. A critical review of the availability, reliability, and ecological relevance of Arctic species toxicity tests for use in environmental risk assessment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 41(1):46-72.
Saunders, L.J., Rodriguez-Gil, J.L., Stoyanovich, S.S., Kimpe, L.E., Hanson, M.L., Hollebone, B.P., Orihel, D.M., and Blais, J.M. 2022. Effect of spilled diluted bitumen on chemical air-water exchange in boreal lake limnocorrals. Chemosphere (Oxford). 291(Pt 1):132708.
Black, T.A., Hanson, M.L., Palace, V., and Rodriguez-Gil, J.L. 2021. Surface-dwelling aquatic insects in low-energy freshwater environments are highly impacted by oil spills and the surface washing agent Corexit EC9580A used in oil spill response. Environ Toxicol Chem. 40:1298-1307.
Hanson, M.L., and Brain, R.A. 2021. A method to screen for consistency of effect in laboratory toxicity tests: A case study with anurans and the herbicide atrazine. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 81(1):123-132.
Ankley, P.J., Xie, Y., Black, T.A., DeBofsky, A., Perry, M., Paterson, M.J., Hanson, M.L., Higgins, S., Giesy, J.P., and Palace, V. 2021. Using zooplankton metabarcoding to assess the efficacy of different techniques to clean-up an oil-spill in a boreal lake. Aquatic Toxicology. 236:105847-105847.
Chaves-Barquero, L.G., Humeniuk, B.W., Luong, K.H., Cicek, N., Wong, C.S., and Hanson, M.L. 2021. Crushed recycled glass as a substrate for constructed wetland wastewater treatment: A case study of its potential to facilitate pharmaceutical removal. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International. 28(37):52306-52318.
Rodriguez-Gil, J.L., Stoyanovich, S., Hanson, M.L., Hollebone, B., Orihel, D.M., Palace, V., Faragher, R., Mirnaghi, F.S., Shah, K., Yang, Z., Black, T.A., Cederwall, J., Mason, J., Patterson, S., Timlick, L., Séguin, J.Y., and Blais, J.M. 2021. Simulating diluted bitumen spills in boreal lake limnocorrals - part 1: Experimental design and responses of hydrocarbons, metals, and water quality parameters. The Science of the Total Environment. 790:148537-148537.
Stoyanovich, S., Rodríguez-Gil, J.L., Hanson, M.L., Hollebone, B.P., Orihel, D.M., Palace, V., Faragher, R., Mirnaghi, F.S., Shah, K., Yang, Z., and Blais, J.M. 2021. Simulating diluted bitumen spills in boreal lake limnocorrals - part 2: Factors affecting the physical characteristics and submergence of diluted bitumen. The Science of the Total Environment. 790:148580-148580.
Smith, P.N., Armbrust, K.L., Brain, R.A., Chen, W., Galic, N., Ghebremichael, L., Giddings, J.M., Hanson, M.L., Maul, J., Van Der Kraak, G., & Solomon, K.R. 2021. Assessment of risks to listed species from the use of atrazine in the USA: A perspective. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Part B, Critical Reviews. 24(6):223-306.
Black, T.A., White, M.S., Blais, J.M., Hollebone, B., Orihel, D.M., Palace, V., Rodriguez-Gil, J.L., and Hanson, M.L. 2021. Surface oil is the primary driver of macroinvertebrate impacts following spills of diluted bitumen in freshwater. Environmental Pollution (1987). 290:117929-117929.
Prosser, R.S., Deeth, L.E., Humeniuk, B.W., Jeyabalan, T., and Hanson, M.L. 2021. Taxonomic chauvinism in pesticide ecotoxicology. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 40(12):3223-3225.
Brain, R.A., and Hanson, M.L. 2021. The press sells newspapers, we should not sell ecotoxicology. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 40(5):1239-1240.
Dionne, E., Hanson, M.L., Anderson, J.C., and Brain, R.A. 2021. Chronic toxicity of technical atrazine to the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) during a full life-cycle exposure and an evaluation of the consistency of responses. The Science of the Total Environment. 755(Pt 2):142589.
Brain, R.A., Anderson, J.C., and Hanson, M.L. 2021. Toxicity of atrazine to marine invertebrates under flow-through conditions—Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) and Mysid Shrimp (Americamysis bahia). Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 232(4):142.
Back, D.Y., Ha, S.Y., Else, B., Hanson, M.L., Jones, S.F., Shin, K.H., Tatarek, A., Wiktor, J.M., Cicek, N., Alam, S., and Mundy, C.J. 2021. On the impact of wastewater effluent on phytoplankton in the Arctic coastal zone: A case study in the Kitikmeot Sea of the Canadian Arctic. The Science of the Total Environment. 764:143861.
Palace, V., Peters, L., Berard-Brown, N., Smyth, P., Shanoff, T., Wiseman, G., Tomy, G., Havens, S., Dettman, H., Greer, C., Kajpust, H., Black, T., Hanson, M.L., Rodriguez-Gil, J.L., and Taylor, E. 2021. The freshwater oil spill remediation study (FOReSt): 2018 pilot study at the Experimental Lakes Area, Canada. International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings (2021). 2021(1):667537. https:/
Brain, R.A., Anderson, J.C., and Hanson, M.L. 2021. Acute and early life-stage toxicity of atrazine in sheepshead minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 218:112303-112303.
Hanson, M.L., and Brain, R.A. 2020. Context and perspective in ecotoxicology. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 39(9):1655-1655.
Prosser, R.S., Hoekstra, P.F., Gene, S., Truman, C., White, M., and Hanson, M.L. 2020. A review of the effectiveness of vegetated buffers to mitigate pesticide and nutrient transport into surface waters from agricultural areas. Journal of Environmental Management. 261:110210.
Stroski, K.M., Luong, K.H., Challis, J.K., Chaves-Barquero, L.G., Hanson, M.L., and Wong, C.S. 2020. Wastewater sources of per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) and pharmaceuticals in four Canadian Arctic communities. Science of The Total Environment. 708:134494.
Cederwall, J., Black, T.A., Blais, J.M., Hanson, M.L., Hollebone, B.P., Palace, V.P., Rodríguez-Gil, J.L., Greer, C.W., Maynard, C., Ortmann, A.C., Rooney, R.C., and Orihel, D.M. 2020. Life under an oil slick: Response of a freshwater food web to simulated spills of diluted bitumen in field mesocosms. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 77(5):779-788.
Stoyanovich, S.S., Yang, Z., Hanson, M.L., Hollebone, B.P., Orihel, D.M., Palace, V., Rodriguez‐Gil, J.L., Faragher, R., Mirnaghi, F.S., Shah, K., Blais, J.M. 2019. Simulating a spill of diluted bitumen: Environmental weathering and submergence in a model freshwater system. 38(12):2621-2628.
Hanson, M.L., Baxter, L., Anderson, J., Solomon, K.R., and Brain, R.A. 2019. Strength of methods assessment for aquatic primary producer toxicity data: A critical review of atrazine studies from the peer-reviewed literature. Science of the Total Environment. 685:1221-1239.
Hanson, M.L., Solomon, K.R., Van Der Kraak, G.J., and Brain, R.A. 2019. Effects of atrazine on fish, amphibians, and reptiles: update of the analysis based on quantitative weight of evidence. Critical Reviews in Toxicology. 49(8):6700-6709.
Gene, S.M., Hoekstra, P.F., Hannam, C., White, M., Truman, C., Hanson, M.L., and Prosser, R.S. 2019. The role of vegetated buffers in agriculture and their regulation across Canada and the United States. Journal of Environmental Management. 243:12-21.
Martin, O.V., Adams, J., Beasley, A., Belanger, S., Breton, R.L., Brock, T.C.M., Buonsante, V.A., Burgos, M.G., Green, J., Guiney, P.D., Hall, T., Hanson, M.L., Harris, M.J., Henry, T.R., Huggett, D., Junghans, M., Laskowski R., Maack, G., Moermond, C.T.A., Panter, G., Pease, A., Poulsen, V., Roberts, M., Rudén, C., Schlekat, C.E., Schoeters, I., Solomon, K.R., Staveley, J., Stubblefield, W., Sumpter, J.P., Warne, M.S.J., Wentsel, R., Wheeler, J.R., Wolff, B.A., Yamazaki, K., Zahner H, and Ågerstrand, M. 2019. Improving environmental risk assessments of chemicals: Steps towards evidence-based ecotoxicology. Environment International. 128:210-217.
Nema M., Hanson M.L., and Müller K.M. 2019. Phylogeny of the egg-loving green alga Oophila amblystomatis (Chlamydomonadales) and its response to the herbicides atrazine and 2,4-D. Symbiosis. 77(1): 23-39.
Humeniuk, B.W., Chaves-Barquero, L.G., Wong, C.S., and Hanson, M.L. 2019. Crushed glass as a constructed wetland substrate: Invertebrate community responses to simulated wastewater inputs. Proceedings of Manitoba's Undergraduate Science and Engineering Research. 5:14-27.
Arts, G., and Hanson, M.L. 2018. Effects of herbicides on freshwater ecosystems. In: Korres, N.E., Nilda, B.R., Duke, S.O. (Eds.), Weed control: Sustainability, hazards, and risks in cropping systems worldwide. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 64-76.
Finnegan, M.C., Emburey, S., Hommen, U., Baxter, L.R., Hoekstra, P.F., Hanson, M.L., Thompson, H., and Hamer, M. 2018. A freshwater mesocosm study into the effects of the neonicotinoid insecticide thiamethoxam at multiple trophic levels. Environmental Pollution. 242:1444-1457.
Lobson, C., Luong, K.H., Seburn, D., White, M., Hann, B., Prosser, R.S., Wong, C.S., and Hanson, M.L. 2018. Fate of thiamethoxam in mesocosms and response of the zooplankton community. Science of the Total Environment. 637:1150-1157.
Chaves-Barquero, L.G., Luong, K.H., Rudy, M.D., Frank, R.A., Hanson, M.L. and Wong, C.S. 2018. Attenuation of pharmaceuticals, nutrients and toxicity in a rural sewage lagoon system integrated with a subsurface filtration technology. Chemosphere. 209:767-775.
Challis, J.K., Stroski, K., Luong, K., Hanson, M.L., and Wong, C.S. 2018. Field evaluation and in-situ stress-testing of the organic-diffusive gradients in thin-films passive sampler. Environmental Science and Technology. 52(21):12573-12582.
Challis, J.K., Cuscito, L.D., Joudan, S., Luong, K.H., Knapp, C.W., Hanson, M.L., and Wong, C.S., 2018. Inputs, source apportionment, and transboundary transport of pesticides and other polar organic contaminants along the lower Red River, Manitoba, Canada. Science of the Total Environment. 635:803-816.
Hanson, M., Deeth, L., and Prosser, R. 2018. Evidence of citation bias in the ecotoxicology pesticide literature. Ecotoxicology. 27(7):1039-1045.
Brain, R.A., Schneider, S.Z., Anderson, J.C., Knopper, L.D., Wolf, J.C., and Hanson, M.L. 2018. Extended fish short term reproduction assays with the fathead minnow and Japanese medaka: No evidence of impaired fecundity from exposure to atrazine. Chemosphere. 205:126-136.
Pickford, D.B., Finnegan, M.S., Baxter, L.R., Böhmer, W., Hanson, M.L., Stegger, P., Hommen, U., and Hamer, M. 2018. Response of the mayfly (Cloeon dipterum) to chronic exposure to thiamethoxam in outdoor mesocosms. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 37(4):1040-1050.
Ma, J., Hipel, K., Hanson, M.L., Cai, X., and Liu, Y. 2018. An analysis of influencing factors on municipal solid waste source-separated collection behavior in Guilin, China by Using the Theory of Planned Behavior. Sustainable Cities and Society. 37:336-343.
Warrack, S., Challis, J.K., Hanson, M.L., and Rennie, M.D. 2018. Microplastics flowing into Lake Winnipeg: Densities, sources, flux, and fish exposures. Proceedings of Manitoba's Undergraduate Science and Engineering Research. 3.
Ma, J., Hipel, K.W., and Hanson, M.L. 2018. An evaluation of the social dimensions in public participation in rural domestic waste source-separated collection in Guilin, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 190:35.
Ma, J., Hanson, M.L., and Hipel, K. 2017. Public participation in municipal solid waste source-separated collection in Guilin, China: Status and influencing factors. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 60(12): 2174-2191.
Finnegan, M.C., Baxter L.R., Maul J., Hanson M.L., and Hoekstra P. 2017. Comprehensive characterization of the acute and chronic toxicity of the neonicotinoid insecticide thiamethoxam to a suite of aquatic primary producers, invertebrates, and fish. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 36(10): 2838-2848.
Anderson P.J., Warrack S., Langen V., Challis J.K., Hanson M.L., and Rennie M.D. 2017. Microplastic contamination in Lake Winnipeg, Canada. Environmental Pollution. 225: 223-231.
Hanson, M.L., Wolff, B., Green, J., Kivi, M., Panter, G., Warne, M., Ågerstrand, M., and Sumpter, J. 2017. How we can make ecotoxicology more valuable to environmental protection. Science of the Total Environment. 578:228-235.
Rodriguez-Gil, J.L., Prosser, R.S., Hanta, G., Poirier, D., Lissemore, L., Hanson, M.L., and Solomon, K.R. 2017. Aquatic hazard assessment of MON 0818, a commercial mixture of alkylamine ethoxylates commonly used in glyphosate-containing herbicide formulations. Part 2: Roles of sediment, temperature, and capacity for recovery following a pulsed exposure. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 36(2):512-521.
Rodriguez-Gil, J.L., Prosser, R.S., Poirier, D., Thompson, D., Lissemore, L., Hanson, M.L., and Solomon K.R. 2017. Aquatic hazard assessment of MON 0818, a commercial mixture of alkylamine ethoxylates commonly used in glyphosate-containing herbicide formulations. Part 1: Species Sensitivity Distributions from laboratory acute exposures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 36(2): 501-511.
Challis, J.K., Hanson, M.L., and Wong, C.S. 2017. Pharmaceuticals and pesticides archived on polar passive sampling devices can be stable for up to six years. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 37(3):762–767.
Reeves, A., Lobson, C., Challis, J.K., Moore, D., and Hanson, M.L. 2016. Are aquatic snails reservoirs and vectors of microbes bearing antibiotic resistant genes? Proceedings of Manitoba's Undergraduate Science and Engineering Research. 2.
Lau, C., Moore, D., and Hanson, M.L. 2016. The duckweed Lemna minor recovers following 7, 14, 21, and 28 day exposures to atrazine at environmental concentrations. Proceedings of Manitoba's Undergraduate Science and Engineering Research. 2.
Chaves Barquero, L.G., Luong, K.H., Mundy, C.J., Knapp, C.W., Hanson, M.L., and Wong, C.S. 2016. The release of wastewater contaminants in the Arctic: A case study from Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, Canada. Environmental Pollution. 218:542-550.
Cardinal, P., Anderson, J., Carlson, J., Low, J., Challis, J.K., Wong, C.S., and Hanson, M.L. 2016. Pharmaceutical fate in model wastewater treatment wetland mesocosms following phosphorous addition and late-season harvesting of macrophytes. Environmental Science Pollution Research. 23(22):22678-22690.
Baxter, L., Brain, R.A., Solomon, K.R., Hanson, M.L., and Prosser, R.S. 2016. Influence of light, nutrients, and temperature on the toxicity of atrazine to the algal species Raphidocelis subcapitata: Implications for the risk assessment of herbicides. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 132:250-259.
Borgert, C., Becker, R., Carlton, B., Hanson, M.L., Kwiatkowski, P., Marty, M.S., McCarty, L., Quill, T., Solomon, K.R., Van Der Kraak, G.J., Witorsch, R., and Yi, K.D. 2016. As We Were Saying . . . Toxicological Sciences. 154:2-4.
Challis, J.K., Hanson M.L., and Wong, C. 2016. Development and calibration of an organic-diffusive gradients in thin films aquatic passive sampler for a diverse suite of polar organic contaminants. Analytical Chemistry. 88(21):10583–10591.
Prosser, R.S., Anderson, J., Hanson, M.L., Solomon, K.R., and Sibley, P. 2016. Indirect effects of herbicides on biota in edge-of-field habitats: A critical review of the literature. Agriculture, Ecosystems and the Environment. 232:59-72.
Borgert, C., Becker, R., Carlton, B., Hanson, M.L., Kwiatkowski, P., Marty, M., McCarty, L., Quill, T., Solomon, K.R., Van Der Kraak, G.J., Witorsch R., and Yi, K. 2016. Does GLP enhance the quality of toxicological evidence for regulatory decisions? Toxicological Sciences. 151:206-213.
Rodriguez-Gil, J.L., Lissemore, L., Solomon, K.R., and Hanson, M.L. 2016. Dissipation of a commercial mixture of polyoxyethylene amine surfactants in aquatic outdoor microcosms: Effect of water depth and sediment organic carbon. Science of the Total Environment. 550:449-458.
Brooks, B., Fulton B., and Hanson, M.L. 2015. Aquatic toxicology studies with macrophytes and algae should balance experimental pragmatism with environmental realism. Science of the Total Environment. 536:406-407.
Anderson, J., Joudan, S., Shoichet, E., Cuscito, L., Alipio, A., Donaldson C., Khan S., Goltz, D., Knapp, C., Hanson, M.L., and Wong, C.S. 2015. Reducing contaminants and toxicity in rural wastewater effluent using new sub-surface treatment technology. Ecological Engineering. 84:375-385.
Baxter, L.R., Brain, R.A., Hosmer, A., Nema, M., Muller, K., Solomon K.R., and Hanson M.L. 2015. Effects of atrazine on egg masses of the yellow-spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) and its endosymbiotic alga (Oophila amblystomatis). Environmental Pollution. 206:324-321.
Brown, A., Challis, J.K., Wong C.S., and Hanson, M.L. 2015. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and β-blocker transformation products may not pose a significant risk of toxicity to aquatic organisms in wastewater effluent-dominated receiving waters. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. 11(4):618-639.
Prosser, R.S., Brain, R.A., Andrus, M., Hosmer, A., Solomon, K.R., and Hanson, M.L. 2015. Assessing temporal and spatial variation in sensitivity of field-derived periphyton communities to, and ability to recover from, atrazine exposure. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 118:204-216.
Burns, M., Hanson, M.L., Prosser, R., Crossan, A., and Kennedy, I. 2015. Growth recovery of Lemna gibba and Lemna minor following a seven-day exposure to the herbicide diuron. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 95(2):150-156.
Van Der Kraak, G.J., Hosmer, A.J., Hanson, M.L., Kloas, W., and Solomon, K.R. 2014. Effects of atrazine in fish, amphibians, and reptiles: An analysis based on quantitative weight of evidence. Critical Reviews in Toxicology. 44(sup5):1-66.
Rodriguez-Gil J.L., Brain R.A., Baxter L.R., Ruffell, S., McConkey, B., Solomon K.R., and Hanson M.L. 2014. Optimization of culturing conditions for toxicity testing with the alga Oophila sp. (Chlorophyceae), an amphibian endosymbiont. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 33(11):2566-2575.
Baxter L.R., Brain R.A., Rodriguez-Gil J.L., Hosmer, A., Solomon K.R., and Hanson M.L. 2014. Response of the green alga Oophila sp., a salamander endosymbiont, to a PSII-inhibitor under laboratory conditions. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 33(8):1858-1864.
Cardinal, P., Anderson, J.C., Carlson, J.C., Low, J.E., Challis, J.K., Beattie, S.A., Bartel, C.N., Elliott, A.D., Montero, O.F., Lokesh, S., Favreau, A., Kozlova, T.A., Knapp, C.W., Hanson, M.L., and Wong, C. 2014. Macrophytes may not contribute significantly to removal of nutrients, pharmaceuticals, and antibiotic resistance in model surface constructed wetlands. Science of the Total Environment. 482:294-304.
de Jourdan, B.P., Hanson, M.L., Muir, D.C., and Solomon, K.R. 2014. Fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas Rafinesque) exposure to three NBFRs in outdoor mesocosms: Bioaccumulation and biotransformation. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 33(5):1148-1155.
Challis, J.K., Hanson, M.L., Friesen, K.J., and Wong, C. 2014. A critical assessment of the photodegradation of pharmaceuticals in aquatic environments: Defining our current understanding and identifying knowledge gaps. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts. 16:672-696.